1. Use visual aids คือแบบวา่ มีอุปกรณ์ท่ีชว่ ยในการนําเสนอ /สไลด์/ตัวอยา่ งของท่ีพูดถึง

Jane Chen using picture instead long words to make the audience feel more Interest​.
2.Tell stories คือแบบเลา่ จากเร่ืองสถานการณ์จริง ภาพจริงๆท่ีถา่ ยดว้ ยตัวเอง
“On one of my first trips to India, I met this young woman, Sevitha, who had just given
birth to a tiny premature baby, Rani. She took her baby to the nearest village clinic, and
the doctor advised her to take Rani to a city hospital so she could be placed in an
incubator. But that hospital was over four hours away, and Sevitha didn't have the
means to get there, so her baby died.”
Instead Jane Chen will tell the audience about Statistics of the problem tiny baby, Jane
Chen was telling to the audience about the story she met in India ,it make her storytelling
even better because no one has ever experienced her before.
3.Rehearse กวา่ จะเป็นการนําเสนอท่ีดีง้ีตอ้ งมีการฝึกซอ้ ม // Have practice in preparation for the
Practice makes for perfect performance. Jane Chen isn't nervous or worried because she
practice to speaking well.
4.Know what slide is coming next มีการพูดเกริ่นถึงสไลดต์ อ่ ไป /รู้วา่ สไลดก์ าํ ลังจะมาตอ่ ไป/
5. Keep it short and sweet พูดไมม่ ากหรือน้อยจนเกินไป ไมน่ ่าเบ่ือ
6. “Please close your eyes, and open your hands. Now imagine what you could place in
your hands: an apple, maybe your wallet. Now open your eyes. What about a life?”
Invite her audience to imagine. As she ask “What about a life?” . In this instance,
the question was abstract enough that the image added specificity and emotional
Giving credit on the photo



My dream job "Illustrator"

My dream job "Zookeeper"