
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก มกราคม, 2018

The evolution of rap music

The evolution of outfit 1. The outfit has been modified by the age, and in every age, but still characteristic. 2. The current jewelry has been change from a large necklace to a small jewelry that is not too distracting. 3. The use of brand names with more colorful colors. 4. There may be more additional (Hat, glasses) 5. Most people have tattoos that tell their stories (not everyone). What make its better? 1. The more popular in society and more attention to rap song. 2. Modifications to reach easier by people of all ages. 3. The content of the story is easier to understand and use a word with more meaningful. 4. It has been mixed with other songs to create more interesting. 5. The current song has a music and rhythm that make the song more interesting and has a novelty, so it will get more popular. 6. Get more support because of people interested, so the quality of music is better.


1. Use visual aids คือแบบวา่ มีอุปกรณ์ท่ีชว่ ยในการนําเสนอ /สไลด์/ตัวอยา่ งของท่ีพูดถึง Jane Chen using picture instead long words to make the audience feel more Interest​ . 2.Tell stories คือแบบเลา่ จากเร่ืองสถานการณ์จริง ภาพจริงๆท่ีถา่ ยดว้ ยตัวเอง “On one of my first trips to India, I met this young woman, Sevitha, who had just given birth to a tiny premature baby, Rani. She took her baby to the nearest village clinic, and the doctor advised her to take Rani to a city hospital so she could be placed in an incubator. But that hospital was over four hours away, and Sevitha didn't have the means to get there, so her baby died.” Instead Jane Chen will tell the audience about Statistics of the problem tiny baby, Jane Chen was telling to the audience about the story she met in India ,it make her storytelling even better because no one has ever experienced her before. 3. Rehearse กวา่ จะเป็นการนําเสนอท่ีดีง้ีตอ้ งมีการฝึกซอ้ ม // Have practice in preparation for the present